I guess I'm potty training now, Reese peed and pooped on the toilet today and we haven't even started potty training so hopefully that's a good sign.
I guess I should somewhat explain how my child used the toilet when we haven't been potty training. Nate got the toilet set up while we were in the states so we've been showing it to her and telling her what it's for so that she's not scared of it when we start. So today she goes in there fully clothed, sits on the toilet and poops, then a while later she does the same thing but pees. So I was talking to some people at playgroup and telling them about my fears associated with potty training, mainly my lack of knowledge on the subject, and they all suggested I go with it because she seemed ready. After lunch I told her we were going to go potty before naptime and she peed right away. Then this evening she said she had to poop so we went in there but she didn't and then a little while later I started to smell something so we went back into the bathroom and though she had started in her diaper she finished in the toilet. I think it was the most excited Nate and I have ever been about poop and Reese had a huge smile on her face which grew even bigger when she got her jellybeans for pooping on the toilet.
I'm still freaked about doing this, but I guess we're doing it now so I'm crossing my fingers that it goes smoothly. I guess we'll find out soon enough whether it was a fluke day or not.
Woohoo!! Go Reese go!! You'll have to give me tips and advice. I'm scared too. Good luck!!
I hate potty training! We're still working with Hanna. She'll pee in the toilet, but she's not figured out pooing. Carter was a breeze once he WANTED to do it, seriously one afternoon and he was good with minimal accidents after that. I'm just not very consistent with Hanna, mostly because I don't care. Good luck!
GO for it!!! Saige did the same thing and she pretty much potty trained herself...it was awesome...I missed the window of opportunity with Jade and she didn't potty train until she was 3!!
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