Friday, April 16, 2010


Why is it that gravity allows a giant plane to float through the sky but it won't allow my child's head to stay off the ground? I'm the first one to admit that Reese has a gynormo head but it's still really sad to watch gravity punish her for it. When she was learning to sit up she'd be doing great until she turned to look at something and that huge head would mess up her balance and send her to the ground. Well today gravity decided to punish my child yet again for something she has no control over. We were at the playground and there was a little step from the grass up to the cement to walk to another area so Reese had her hands and feet both on the ground with her butt in the air as she maneuvered this step, her head couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 inches off the ground and then all of the sudden it was as if gravity remembered that her head was too big to be in the air and it yanked her back down. I wish I had video because it was a phenomenon no doubt, the rest of her body didn't even move but somehow her head smacked into the cement like it was being pulled down by a magnet. Lucky for her she has a hard head so she cried about it for all of 30 seconds and then moved on to what she was doing, but gravity still left a pretty nasty mark on that litttle angel face.


katrina hayes said...

LOL!!! poor little cutie! hahah!! great post!

Mbeth said...

wow. you're little girl is a cutie! holy cow, I LoVe her hair. and that Egypt picture is pretty much the coolest picture. ever. btw, i probably don't know me, but I'm Nathan's cousin (Lyle's sister's daughter:), Marybeth. His family was really the only cousins i knew growing up because neither of us live in the west. anyway, I came across your blog on facebook and thought it would be fun to catch up with him and his family. anyway, I've got a little boy a little younger than your little girl and totally relate to the whole gravity issue. there also seems to be a magnetic force between him and a particular corner in our house as well. gets him almost daily.

Mbeth said...

oh, if you want a face with that really long comment, i blog too: