Friday, August 15, 2008


As I was reading through my friends' blogs this evening, Mark's comments on being a temporary stay at home dad made me think about my own experiences at home with Reese over the past nearly 3 months. I never thought that being home with Reese would be that much work, I mean I didn't think it would be easy but I definitely didn't think everyday would be filled with attempts at accomplishing things. Like Mark, I assumed I would be able to get everything done that I needed to while Reese was sleeping because I had witnessed my mom do it while babysitting my niece numerous times before. However I'm learning that it's not as easy as she made it look.
Most days my living room is littered with toys (both dog and baby) and blankets and other random objects, the dishes don't always get done right away and that last load of laundry always seems to sit in the dryer for a day or so before I go down and get it out. We've been living in this house for a month and a half and there are still things that don't yet have a place and a room full of things to be put in the plastic bins and stored. It seems that whenever I get going on a project or even simply washing the dishes, Reese decides that she doesn't want me to leave the room and I don't care what people say I'm completely incapable of cleaning with her strapped to me in the baby bjorn. Somedays she'll play quite contently alone on her playmat while I pick up the living room, and somedays she'll sit in her bouncer chair and watch me cook or do the dishes as long as I pretend I'm the star of a cooking show and describe everything I'm doing to her in detail, somedays she'll even take an afternoon nap for more than a half hour. Then there are the days, which are the majority of the time, when I just can't take my eyes off of her because I realize how fast time is going bye and how someday she won't need or want me by her side. So in the mean time I just consider myself lucky to have a husband who helps out so much and doesn't mind the days when he comes home to a frozen pizza and a sinkful of dishes. I know I'm not supermom and I don't expect I ever will be, but Reese is happy and the way she looks at me makes me realize that I don't need to be.

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