Reese loves animals, no love isn't quite strong enough, she ADORES animals. Whenever we see an animal of any kind she wants to run over and pet it and hug it and kiss it and just generally make it love her as much as she loves it. Her favorite book is her animal book, which I must read 50 times a day, and she knows all the noises that the animals make....or at least she knows all the ones that I know, I have no clue what to tell her a chameleon says. Cats don't say meow, they sound more like the name of the Chinese leader Mao but in a really sweet voice. Dogs say wooh wooh wooh, ducks say quack and pigs make a very similar noise but is slightly different in it's own way. Donkeys say hee-aw, horses laugh, when she sees the spider on the page she hits it...because that's what we do to spiders, she knows dolphins and cows and tigers and sheep and snakes and many others that I'm forgetting but they're all very very cute and she's willing to tell you what any animal says if you just ask.
She loves to watch movies, there were a few weeks were it seemed like someone was always sick so she got to watch a lot more tv than usual and she is utterly addicted to Finding Nemo, which she has been addicted to since birth, and Bolt. She'll go over to the movies and pull out either "neno" or "bowl" and ask you to watch it over and over and over. The has a Nemo tablesetting and when she uses it she spends the whole meal showing you that Nemo is on her fork or her plate and so on and so forth. Nate was making pancakes the other day and Reese was in there helping so he asked her to get him a bowl from the cupboard...she ran into the living room shouting "BOWL!!!!" and brought the movie Bolt to him.
She loves to read and will bring you books over and over and over again, but she also loves to play with all of her toys. She'll drag her blocks out and build a tower or make me something to eat in her new kitchen, she's always doing something different and it's exciting to see her imagination growing and to watch her learn to play by herself. One of her favorite things is her car, she'll come grab my leg and drag me to the playroom and then get in her car and wait for me to push her around the house. One time we made Jaeger ride with her so now she always wants Jaeger to ride with her and if Jaeger runs away then we chase her. She loves to play outside, but the weather hasn't been nice enough recently, when it is nice she likes to go to the park and swing and use the slide. I wish we had a larger park in our town but luckily the little slide keeps her entertained at this point. She also loves to play with a ball, one of her favorite things we do is go bowling and if we enter the bowling alley for another reason she'll just start shouting "BALL BALL" and pointing at all the bowling balls. We go to a playgroup on base twice a month and when they play she always wants to get a basketball and carry it around and throw it and chase it, it makes me very proud.
Reese started going to nursery a few weeks ago and it didn't surprise me how quickly she took to going to class and playing with the other kids. I went with her a few weeks and then the first week she was alone they said she cried for less than a minute when she realized I was gone and then went off playing with the other kids. She's very social so she doesn't have any problems getting in there and playing with other children and she tends to be alright about sharing unless it's with her friend Max. Max is basically Reese's best friend, they play all the time and their personalities are perfectly suited because Reese is bossy and Max is laid back. They'll play with the car and Max will take a turn pushing Reese around and then Reese will get out for Max's turn and go do something else instead of pushing him around. Luckily once she's reminded to share with Max and to take turns then she does, she just forgets that she's supposed to share with him.
When Reese goes to bed at night we read a book, her favorite is the grover book "The Monster at the End of this Book", a classic if you don't have it, then she tells me "tuw-tle" which means she wants to turn her turtle constellation light on and then she gets in bed and folds her arms really tight together for prayer. She's an excellent sleeper and goes to bed everynight at 8pm with generally no fuss, however if you try to put her to bed even 15 mins early she will regulate on you and of course she has to have Emmy, puppy and gloworm to go to bed and if one of them is missing then she waits until you find it.
Reese hates most fruits and all vegetables, I'm not sure when this began but all the sudden she refuses to eat anything that is green besides grapes. The only fruits she'll eat right now are applesauce, but never an apple itself, grapes and raisins. Her favorite thing is cookies, any variety accepted. She calls them "cook" so if you accidentally ask her if she wants to cook something in her kitchen or if I ask her if she wants to help me cook she immediately thinks she's getting a cookie. We took her off soy milk recently and she's doing really well on the lactose free milk which is quite exciting, no more walking out of a store covered in poop for me! Every morning I ask her if she wants milk or water and generally she tells me "nyuk", which is how she says milk but sounds exactly like that noise the three stooges made, but sometimes she'll want "wa."
I'm trying to think of anything else that I've missed. She loves to play hide and seek, she finally started going down the stairs on her stomach instead of trying to walk down them, we tossed the sippies out a few months ago, she needs a clip in her hair so that she doesn't look like a shaggy dog but refuses to keep it in....hmmmm....oh, and when I'm in the shower she likes to empty her drawers and hide her clothes from me. I think those are the highlights, clearly there's so much more seeing as she's constantly saying the most hilarious things, but that'll have to do for now.
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