Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Best Thing Since Post-Its

Generally speaking, when Nate changes operating systems on the computer I either don't care or grumble just a little bit about how I have to get used to something new. When Nate upgraded us to Windows 7 I had absolutely no emotions, that was until I found my new favorite feature the sticky note. I can't believe I lived this long without computer sticky notes, for those of you who don't know they're basically post its for the desktop and they're ingenius. You don't have to save them, they just stay where you put them until you delete them. There are a bunch of different colors so I color code different topics, for example I have a bunch of green ones right now that pertain to the trip I'm planning to Ireland. Nate doesn't get my fascination with the sticky notes and I think the shear volume of them that I have may be beginning to irritate him so I've started stacking them so that they take up less room, but he just doesn't understand how convenient they are. Previously when I would be planning a trip I'd have to open a word document or the notepad to jot down the different dates, prices, hotels, etc. that I found, but now I just put it on the post it and there it is for me to remember. When someone emails me something important I generally forget after I've closed the email, but now I jot it down on a post it (in pink because that's the closest to red and thus the most urgent post it color there is) and when I get on the computer I can see it and remember. Eventually I'll be able to sway Nate to the magical world of sticky notes, but for now I'm content that he merely rolls his eyes when he sees the new pile of them on the desktop...though it's possible that he's rolling his eyes not at the sticky notes but at the new trip he sees coming together in sticky note form everytime he logs on. Which brings up the point, when will he learn that three day weekends were not meant to be wasted sitting around our house?


Trent and Janel Lyman said...

To alleviate the contentousness of the multiplicity of random said virtual sticky notes simply have each user have their own log on to newly upgrade operating system. ie one for kids, one for daddy, and one for the sticky lady.

BZYGMA said...

You have such a great looking family and hey, I love the idea of PC sticky notes-wish I had them! (mine is XP) God bless you all!