When I was in college my friends and I would always come up with stories of what each others future would be like, needless to say none of them were very pleasant. One friend was going to be morbidly obese and never leave her house but would also be a very successful writer. Another was going to be the manager at McDonalds, she was a business major, and would be constantly trying to hook up with guys that went through the drive thru line. My story was that I would be a career Albertsons employee that at the age of 40 would still be hitting on the new college student employees.
Fortunately for me, my friends misjudged my future and now I'm a married stay at home mom that lives in Europe. I think the real problem here was that they misjudged what my future would have been had I not gotten married. This morning as I was lying in bed I realized what would have been, or perhaps what could have been. If I had not taken the road I had, I would've been a "dog lady", think "cat lady" but with dogs instead of cats. Along with Max we're watching our friends' dog Luna so when Nate got up this morning he took the dogs out to pee and then brought them in and threw them onto the bed with me. As they cuddled up with me I began to wonder how many more dogs I could have curl up in bed with me before I would deem it to be too many. This thought alone brought my epiphany of my life as a dog lady. Sure it would've started out with one dog, but soon I would've bought another so they could play together while I was at work. After that I would've started taking in strays and soon I would've been working from home and taking care of hundreds of dogs. The best part is that no one would've realized I was crazy until the number of dogs surpassed 10, when you tell someone you have a cat an alarm goes off in their head but if you say you have a dog no one thinks twice.
As I was writing this my friends arrived to retrieve their son and their dog, I'm back to only having one dog. I guess we'll never know what might have been.