Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Stupid Fat T-Com

So we have no internet at our house and we haven't had any internet at our house for a long time, 3 weeks to be exact, but I came over to the coffee shop to post a couple of pics so you can all see how big my little girl has gotten in the past 3 weeks. She's simply adorable and I promise as soon as our internet is back up I'll regale you with all the amazing stories of the past 3 weeks.

The one short story that I can fit in before the coffee shop closes and kicks me out is of our first somewhat long outing with Reese. We went to Cologne Cathedral last Saturday because Nate's mom was visiting and that was one of the things she wanted to see. So I get up that morning and pack Reese's bag with tons of diapers and wipes and a complete change of clothes and 4 bottles just in case something happens and.....well you get the point that I was trying to be super prepared. So just before we're going to leave I feed her and tell Nate that I'm going to change her diaper right afterward. Unfortunately, I got sidetracked getting things ready and forgot to change her diaper. Anyways, we make the hour and a half journey to Cologne, finally find parking which is a nightmare there in and of itself, and make our way to the cathedral. When we get inside I take Reese out of her carseat to notice that her diaper was leaked and her pants are soaking wet....this is when I remember that I forgot to change her diaper. So Nate and I leave the cathedral to look for a place to change her, the only possible place was a McDonald's on the corner but there was no countertop or changing table or any place other than the bathroom floor to change her so we ended up on a parkbench outside the cathedral trying to discreetly change her diaper and her clothes. Now I stress that we were trying to be discreet because this lady and her 4 year-old come walking over right when we're in the middle of trying to do this just to see Reese. I mean come on folks, when you see me changing my kid, wait til I'm done and then come over to admire the baby. Who walks over to look at your kid when she's naked?!?! Anyways, we got her changed just as it started to rain so we rushed back inside the cathedral. The only damage done for the day was the the adorable outfit I had previously had her in was not in any pictures and instead she's rockin sweats. What can you do? Lesson learned.


Kelsey Carreon said...

Oh yeah!!! an Update... no internet sucks I won't have it for a week after we move! I am already suffering withdrawals! Reese is soo cute Jess. I love the smile she is giving you while you are laying with her. BTW you are never prepared enough for what those little bundles of joy can dose out. If we bring two outfits she will need three type thing. I cannot wait to see her when you come to the states!

Jenny said...

I started rocking myself inthe fetal postition because you haven't called...I gave Maren Gerstner your vongage # she is headed your way soon.

Can I say I hate you I know that belt in your pictures and I know that that is a pre pregnancy belt, not to mention you had no drooping skin over your must pop out 10 kids, since you shrink back. I love you!

Abby said...

Seriously, where's the muffin top badge of glory that I sport nowadays? Jerk.
That said, she is adorable and you look awesome. Jerk.
I am such an ameture--I never pack extra clothes and it bit me in the butt yesterday. Luckily, Gma had a 20 year old pj with teal teddy bears on it! Way to be prepared.

Unknown said...

hey I want your vonage #!! I want to be part of the cool kids club!!

Mark and Amber Kincher said...

That's so funny! Well I hope you had fun! You have to watch out for those CRAZY Germans! I hope all is well, we'll be posting 10 million more pictures when we get back from AK on Sun or Mon. She's gotten so big! How big is she?