Somedays even the best of us can't seem to catch a break, today is one of those days for my sweet baby girl. She had a dr.'s appt. this morning so we could try and figure out if she's only allergic to milk or if there's something else as well because she's been off all milk products for over a month and is still having intermittent diarrhea. We were told it would just be an appt. to see if they felt there was a need to refer us to the hospital in Landstuhl but they ended up sending us to the lab for work and then they are sending just her blood to Landstuhl. Anyways, my big girl cooperated completely for her entire exam, she even let the dr. look in her mouth. Then we went over to the lab and she sat there happy as a little clam not knowing the evil that was coming her way. They put the band around her arm and she was playing with the end of it and then the put the needle in...she didn't even flinch at first but then the technician thought that since she didn't hit the vein she should go ahead and wiggle the needle around to see if she could get it. I felt terrible for Reese at that moment because even I would have wanted to cry, well Reese had had enough at that point and was trying with all her might to get away from the mean lady with the needle, the mean lady holding her arm, and her mean mommy who was holding the rest of her body in a bear hug. Eventually the tech gave up and they used a heat pack to bring the veins on her other arm up to the surface. They got her vein fast that time but the damage had already been done and Reese wasn't happy until we were in the car and far away from those people.
As if the blood drawing process didn't make for a bad enough day, this afternoon Reese was playing and I'm not quite sure how it happened but somehow she fell and it looked to me like she hit her head on the end table so I scooped her up and after a few seconds of crying she was done and i went to kiss her and noticed that it looked like her eye was bleeding. Immediately my thought was to get some of the blood off so I could see if A.) she had actually gotten her eye or B.) if she was going to need stitches. Once we got it wiped up I could tell that she had barely missed her actual eye and the cut was only superficial so while it's still red and bloody and is beginning to look like she might have a black eye, she's going to recover. Either way today just wasn't the best day for a little girl. Maybe tomorrow will be better...
(I don't think the pictures do her war wound justice. It looked a whole lot worse when she first did it)
ohhh, poor baby!! but her curls are gorgeous!! i hope she gets a better day soon.
freak out factor always make them look worse then they are. There is nothing like the scream of your child to get you moving. Trent
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