Sunday, December 23, 2007

Here Comes Preggers!!

To all the Utah haters, except Jenny who politely stated that I looked pregnant, I hope this picture of me at 18 weeks along proves that I do in fact have a preggers belly. I've gone through quite a bit of changing since I've been home and it's crazy to me to look at myself and see how much I've grown. The baby center webpage said that baby Jack was roughly 5 inches from head to butt but I feel like he's a whole lot bigger than that.
Now to tell you about the leap from reality I took when I took Jaeger to have her picture taken with Santa at Petsmart. I'm sure I should have expected that normal people don't take their dog to see Santa, but I thought it would be a cute little thing and so we went. When we got there we were third in line and when I say that I was the most normal person there I mean it by a long shot. The first lady required the man to keep taking pictures of her dog because either she didn't like the one he had or the dog had looked away or something of this nature, I kept my mouth shut while thinking that dogs don't often pose for pictures. The second lady had her dog dressed up in a complete elf costume, it was cute I admit but none the less that made her less normal than I. When Jaeger and I stepped up, my cute little girl looked at the camera and we got it done in one shot. Some of you may laugh at me for taking her, but I still say it ended up being a really cute thing.


Kendra said...

Awwwwwww - I'm so happy that you put this photo on here because I've been wondering how big he is. You must be the cutest pregnant person alive.

Kelsey Carreon said...

I love the pregnant bump!!!!!

Abby said...

There's something not convincing about Santa...his beard his so...straight! I do see the lovely baby bump and he is adorable. I'm afraid you are part of that tall thin crowd who don't blow up like balloons. It stinks when people don't notice, but enjoy the fact that you'll leave the hospital already skinny again, while the rest of us [short fatties] wait and wait (yes, I said wait, I'm not into working out while nursing).

Jenny said...

But is it a he?.....hmmmmm What are you doing with all the boy clothes?

Jaeger, Ich bin sehr stolz auf dich. Dein Bild ist sehr schoern geworden.

Kelsey Carreon said...

lets see an update......mrs. prego Any girl names yet?

ALY said...

you know the humor is not so much in the fact that you brought your dog to get his picture taken with santa...nor is it in the fact that other's are just as strange as you are...the humor is in the fact that santa seems to resemble our friend "kwanza queen."