Thursday, August 11, 2011

Manderscheid Castle

Reese turned 3 years old three months ago and I finally got around to taking her yearly photos today.  Since Nate’s sister Kendra is in town, we took the kids over to Manderscheid castle and got some cute pics of the kids.  Reese is usually only good for a few minutes of smiling so the first ones are smiles and the later ones are more of a brooding Reese look.  Finn on the other hand is always willing to smile for Mommy as long as he has a full stomach.



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The castle ended up being a great place to take pictures plus we got to enjoy touring the castle.  Here’s a few more photos of us at the castle, we just got that new pack for Finn and after using it walking up all those steps at the castle I have to say that I’m very pleased with it.  Oh and the photo of the little white and green bear blanket is Emmie, Reese felt she needed her picture taken at the castle too.

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katrina hayes said...

finn is adorable! he looks a ton like his dad. love your new haircut! reese is so cute in her little poses!

RJG said...

I know you're beyond busy, but your blog fans miss you.