Thursday, July 14, 2011

Finn is 4 Months Old!


Well there’s been a delay in writing this so now he’s almost four and a half months old but either way he’s getting big.  At his doctor’s appt we clocked in at 17lbs 6oz and about 25.5 inches which keeps him at the very top of the growth chart.  The doctor said he’s actually closer in size to a 9 month old than a 4 month old which is pretty funny because there’s a little boy at church who is about 13 months old and Finn is the same size as him, granted this kid is small for his age but it’s still funny to see them next to each other.  Sometimes when I see littler babies I get sad that Finn was never really a little guy,  It can be hard to carry around a kid the size of a 9 month old who’s not developmentally like 9 month old, he’s heavy but he doesn’t hold on which makes it even heavier to carry him, but that’s our Finn and we love him.  He’s already getting his first two teeth so that’s been making him a bit grumpy lately.  You can see the little tooth buds just below the skin and one of them feels like it’ll be out any day now. 

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Some things about Finn:  he loves to eat but he dislikes letting anyone else eat.  When I’m eating breakfast he’ll try and pull my food off the table or he’ll give me a chastising look that says how dare I eat when he isn’t eating.  He’s super stinky which makes me fear for when he’s a teenager.  He farts all the time but rarely poops so strangers probably think my kid needs a diaper change and that I’m a bad mom by making him sit in it but really he’s just farting.  He loves to stand on laps and play in his exersaucer and he’s just discovered that peek a boo is awesome.  If Jaeger is playing near him he’ll laugh out loud and if she’s close enough he’ll try and pet (grab) her.  He loves to play with Daddy but when it comes down to it he’s a big old Momma’s Boy and just having Mommy hold him cures most fits. 

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As a side note about Reese, I had to write these down so I didn’t forget.  Reese is extremely well spoken, she has a huge vocabulary and speaks very clearly there are just a few words that she mispronounces and the funny part about these words is that there is no reason for her to mispronounce them because she can say them she just honestly thinks it’s the right word.  For example banana is go-nana, polka dots is polka gots, in a different category ice cream is ice creamy scoop thanks to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  There’s a few others that I can’t think of right now, but it always makes Nate and I laugh.  Oh and speaking of laughing moments (which are also not laughing moments) the other day Reese was getting ready to take a bath so she’s going to the bathroom and she asks me “Mommy, do I say damn?”  I of course responded no but it took a bit not to laugh because you have to imagine her with her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand sitting on the toilet asking me that question.


And now I must wrap it up because Finn is demanding my attention and he’s demanding it now.

1 comment:

Susie J. said...

I love when you update. It is so fun to see your little family growing. Thanks for sharing.