They don’t get much cuter than my little Finny, he’s pretty much the world’s best baby. I didn’t write much about Finn in all my catch up posts because he’s just so chill that he just went we the flow everywhere we went. He loved being pushed around Disneyland in his stroller, he’s all about getting to sleep whenever he wants so he was good to go. My dad was in charge of the stroller and Finn kept him walking, if Papa would stop and sit down Finn would let out a little squeak to let him now that he wanted to keep moving and my dad would start walking around again. He loves to sleep with things on his head and face, it worries me but he sleeps so much better if you lay a blanket over him so we usually cover his head and eyes and leave a little hole where his nose and mouth are and only when we’re watching him. He didn’t have to do much tummy time while my parents were here because we were gone a lot and my dad told him that if he didn’t want to he didn’t have to so if Finn got upset when he was put down for tummy time my dad would just pick him right back up. He was a very spoiled little guy getting be held all the time and walked around and he loved it. Once Nana and Papa left he decided that his break from tummy time was sufficient and now he’s an expert at lifting his head all the way up and he’s even rolled over. I honestly don’t think they get much happier than Finn, if you talk to him he gets a huge smile on his face and will start “talking” back to you. He’s still a big guy and we’re excited for his 4 month check up when we’ll find out if he’s still topping the charts. He can still fit in to a few of his 3 month clothes but for the most part he’s wearing 6 month stuff now and even outgrowing some if it. His hair is beginning to look more and more auburn in the sunlight so we’re waiting to see if he’ll end up going all the way or staying brown. When Reese was little her hair would look strawberry blonde in the sun but once her hair fell out and grew back in that was all gone. This little guy makes me so happy and I’m glad that when Reese is making me want to pull my hair out I have this little guy to help pull me back from the ledge.
Finn’s preferred sleeping style:
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