Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reese’s First Day of School


Last week I was able to get Reese signed up for the part day enrichment program for two year olds on base, it’s basically preschool for 2 year olds.  I was so excited to have her signed up because she’s such a social little girl and I don’t want to stunt that by keeping her home with me all the time, granted we were always doing playgroups and other activities with kids but I was still eager for her to be in a social setting without me.  She was so excited for her first day of school, ever since we went to sign her up and she'd played in the classroom she'd been eager to go back.  Today ended up being a very rainy day so I took a few of her school photos inside the house but still forced her to the porch for the obligatory first day of school photo.  She looked so big in her backpack with that excited smile on her face.  When we went in her classroom we put her stuff in her cubby and then ran over to sit at the computer, I kissed her goodbye and she was not the least bit sad to see me go, I even peeked back in through the window a few minutes later to find her happy and content.  When I got home the house was quiet and I was all alone for the first time in a very very long time, it was quite enjoyable.  I sat there eating Cheez Its wondering when the last time that I was able to eat food without sharing it with someone else was.  When I returned to get her 3 hours later she was too busy picking up the toys to even notice that I had come in and then when she did notice me she was excited to see me but in no hurry to leave despite the fact that all the other children were leaving as well.  When we were walking out to the car she asked if she was going to school tomorrow, I'd say that's a good sign.  All in all I’m so excited that I made the decision to enroll her, she had fun and is excited to go back and adding the structure to our day was really nice.  I hate to sound mean but I’m eager for her to go back as well, it was so nice to have some quiet time to myself and I found myself being far more patient throughout the rest of the day because of it.  She starts gymnastics tomorrow and then back to school on Thursday, it’s going to make for a more hectic schedule but I’m excited for her to get out and start doing more.     (nevermind the zoned out look on the last photo, she was totally preoccupied and wanted me to go away)


1 comment:

kayla said...

She is so cute! I can't believe how fast she has grown up...time really does go by too fast! Enjoy your free time!