Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Reese and Jesse in D.C.

Reese and I are back from our getaway to D.C.! We were there for five days and it was the perfect amount of time to see our friends and their new baby. I've already posted about some of the stuff we did so I'll probably end up repeating myself. On Thursday we took Lukas and Reese to the park to play, they were very cute getting reacquainted with one another.
Then on Friday we went over to Arlington, we got there just as the wind was picking up for the big snowstorm that was coming. We walked over to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and watched the guard for a little bit and then walked back to the car since it was getting colder and I was not prepared to be out in a storm. That afternoon the big snowstorm hit, the weather channel called it Snowpocolips and the Curse of Snowbama. We stayed inside the rest of the day and just watched it snow which gave me the perfect chance to hold Devin some more.
The snow stopped Saturday night so Sunday afternoon Justin made an igloo with all the snow on the porch for the kids to play in. Reese and Lukas had a fun time wandering around in and out of the igloo so all in all the snowstorm wasn't that bad.
On Monday night Sarah drove us to the airport and we were able to easily catch a flight back to Ramstein. We had a great trip and we look forward to going out to see them again.

As a side note: The night before we left Nate took me outside to build a snowman since the snow was finally packing snow. We built a roughly 6 foot snowman and gave him chocolate eyes/nose/mouth.

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