Tuesday, November 25, 2008

6 Months Old

Since it's been almost a month since I blogged I better cover the highlights of November up to this point.
For Veteran's Day Reese and I took our vet to the zoo in Cologne. They have an aquarium which was the real point of the trip because Reese likes fish and I thought it would be fun for her. The zoo was huge and Reese enjoyed the animals, especially the baboons because they were feeding them when we got there and all the screeching caught her attention, but the highlight of the trip was the aquarium. She just stared at the fish and when one would swim past her face she'd follow it with her eyes until a different one swam by, it was really quite cute. Anyways, now we're calling her our future marine biologist.Beyond fish, her newest thing is wanting whatever you have in your hands. She tries to get telephones, remotes, anything. One day we were sitting at the table having pizza and she reached for the soda can and almost got it. We got the video camera out and it looks like a Pepsi commercial with her shoving everything out of the way to get to it, maybe I'll send my footage to Pepsi and they can make Reese a star......hmmm movie star and marine biologist.I'm sure there's more that I'm leaving out but who cares because my sweet baby girl is 6 months old, as of saturday. She's such a little crack up that I can't quite remember what I did for entertainment before she was born. She thinks it's hilarious to pull the pieces out of her exersaucer and throw them on the ground, then when I catch her in the act she opens up those eyes real wide and looks at me as if she has no idea how they keep getting pulled out. But that's Reese, she's a problem solver, she knows how to get out of her Bumbo chair, though it results in a crash, and she can get from one side of the room to the other yet she somehow does it without crawling or walking. She's an ingenious little girl and we're glad she's in our lives. I mean who wouldn't want this smile greeting them every morning?

We're leaving tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving in Poland so I'll be sure to post pictures from our trip to Krakow and Auschwitz when we get back.


Jenny said...

I love you be safe in Poland. Did you buy any dishes? I remember ladies in the ward taking a trip to Poland to get dishes...much like the ladies of CALI head down to TJ for pian killers :-)

Awesome that you get to go to fun places and that you are taking advantage of it. ALSO- I love the little marine biologist. SHe's pretty talented. Standing on her own

Mark and Amber Kincher said...

She's so big! I love the picture of her standing! Now the girls will have to switch talents so Rachel stands alone and Reese sits alone! We can't wait to see you 2 sometime in Jan! Have fun in Poland!!

Adventures in Petersonland said...

man, shes getting big! i love her big blue eyes.
hope you guys have fun in poland! i always wanted to make the journey out there, but its not going to happen as we're leaving so soon.