Sunday, May 4, 2008

Broken Toe Woes

I had this grand plan to start walking miles upon miles a day starting May 1st as a way to help the whole pregnancy thing along but my plan was thwarted the day before it started when I broke my toe. Ya, that's right I broke the pinky toe on my right foot and it hurt like hell. I was walking out of the kitchen after going in to make myself a second personal pizza because the first one didn't quite fill me up the way it used to, and as I was walking out I caught my toe on the door frame and snapped it. I just stood there biting my hand to keep from screaming and staring out the window because I was afraid if I looked down I'd see the spot where my toe used to be and find my toe lying back in the kitchen. After a minute I got the courage to look down and found that my toe was still there as was the pain. Now this isn't the first toe I've broken, in fact it's the fourth, apparently I enjoy breaking toes, but all the other ones I've broken have been the tips and there has been nothing a doctor can do for them so I called the advice nurse to see if I should go in since this one was broken down at the base. I explained to her what happened and this woman actually had the audacity to ask me if it was an accident! I calmly replied that it was but on the inside I was wanting to be very rude and sarcastic with her, I mean WHO BREAKS A TOE ON PURPOSE?!?!?! Anyways, I've had to stay off my feet for the past few days and ice it but other than that it's just supposed to heal on it's own, so there went my plot to evict my child from my uterus.

Today the toe was feeling good enough to walk on so Nate and I took Jaeger for a walk in the field by our house and took the camera so that we could take some fun pictures in the fields of dandelions. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and other than looking like I'm trying to steal a basketball from a sporting goods store I think I look mighty good. I've been really lucky to have such an easy pregnancy and while I'm beginning to get a little uncomfortable when it comes to sleeping and stuff like that I'm only eager to get her out so that I can finally see her and see what her personality is like outside of my belly. I'm so scared and excited and I can't wait to post pictures of her here for all of you to see, but for now you'll just have to enjoy more pictures of me being pregnant.


Kelsey Carreon said...

I have broken my pinky toe about 4 times since Aurora was born (beware of the bouncy chair) Where the metal bends it stick out and you don't notice and then your toe gets caught and before you know it you are five feet away but your foot is still attached to the bouncer!! BTW it was worth it the bouncer was our life saver with Aurora! I cannot wait to see that BABY!

ALY said...

maybe if you didn't have finger toes sticking out so far you wouldn't have this problem...that is the extent of my lovingly supportive commentary. i love you jesse and future baby jesse (mmmm....pancakes).